Sunday, January 25, 2015

The Theory of Everything

 However bad life may seem, while there is life, there's hope.

I just watched 'The Theory of Everything' today. Yeah, probably a little too late to watch it since it was released so long ago. Haha. Wanted to watch it at Mid Valley as it was closer for us but ended up going to Pavillion. RM18 for carpark. RM18. Right.

Back to my late night thoughts. It's not exactly 'late' now since it hasn't even passed midnight but you get what I mean. That movie moved me in a way. It reminds me of what's really important in life and no matter how difficult you think your life is, somebody else's life might be worse than yours.

Be thankful for those who have chosen to walk the journey with you; not because they have an obligation to do so, but simply because they want to. Jane could choose not to marry Stephen when she found out that he had that disease. She could walk away as soon as she has met Jonathan. But she didn't. Love is always the key to everything.

You enter this universe for a reason. Everybody has a purpose. Some of us just hasn't got that figured out yet.

Cherish the one who is always by your side, especially through the hard times. You never know how much time you have left with that person because life is so unpredictable. Who would have thought that Jane and Stephen would go separate ways in the end?

Be really, really, grateful that you're one healthy person. One thing I have learned from being hospitalised last year is that you cannot take your health for granted.

I always feel that sometimes I'm not grateful enough and I feel guilty because of that. This movie is a really good reminder for me to get back on track and rearrange my priorities. As cliche as it may sound, I want to live everyday as if it were going to be my last day.


Probably my favourite scene from the entire movie.

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