Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Life in KL

Hello again. It's been almost a month now since I moved down to KL. I was very heavy hearted when I was about to leave  Penang because all my close friends and family are all in Penang. Thankfully, no tears were shed.

Many told me that living alone is difficult because you have to handle everything on your own which then forces you to grow; to be independent. I am proud to say that I can take care of myself well enough so independence is not really an issue for me. But I can tell that my family, especially my grandma, is still worried about me. Although I don't always show it but being away from your family really isn't easy at all.

I'm living with JH for the time being and I'm blessed because his family treats me really well. So the 'living alone is difficult' part is still not applicable to me. Haha. I have been eating, sleeping and playing games like a pig (wait, pigs don't play games) everyday for the past few weeks. What else can I do when JH is at work besides all of the above stated activities? Haha. Okay lah, besides all those stuff I still help his mum to do house chores at home. Haha.

Most probably moving into my new house next month after settling some issues. Nope, I'm not renting the entire house; I'm just renting a room. Moving to a new place really is troublesome. I have to buy mattress, bed frame, closet, chair, dressing table.... I hope my housemates are nice. *fingers crossed* I haven't met them (my housemates) yet. I found them through an online portal i.e. iBilik. By the way, many of my friends asked me this - why don't you just stay with JH then? Both of us have come to a mutual agreement that we prefer not to stay with each other (permanently) before getting married. So, I hope that answers your question or clears off your doubt if you do have one. Haha.

Coming down to KL to work isn't part of my plan. Part of me regrets applying for that iOi scholarship but another part of me is thankful that I did apply. Accepting that scholarship means I am bonded with them for 3 years in KL. I was young and reckless so I just agreed to this sole condition when they decided to offer me the scholarship. So I did not just come up with the decision to move down to KL based on my intuition or because my boyfriend is in KL. This was not an impulsive decision. This was part of God's plan. HAHA. I hope it is God's plan. *ahem*

Anyways, just started work yesterday and let me tell you this - do not underestimate the traffic in KL. You will regret it big time. I always leave my house at 9.40am if I'm working at 10am and I can still reach there on time. I left house at 7.45am yesterday and I reached there at 8.30am. 45 minutes to a Penangite who drives for the first time in KL during rush hour is really a long, long time. Today's just my second day of work but I'm already exhausted. Audit - be it external or internal can mentally kill you.

All in all, life in KL is so far so good. I'm just glad that I no longer have to deal with long distance relationship (LDR) issues with JH. I guess you have to sacrifice something in order to gain something. That is true because I have to sacrifice my life in Penang to fulfill my bond in KL. Look on the bright side. No more LDR issues. No more 354.6KM distance separating us. No more late night phone calls because we only get to see each other once a month, sometimes only once every two months. So all is well. :)

P.S. Will blog about my last few days in Cambodia soon!

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