Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happiness is a choice

I often wonder if God is cruel.

'Is He trying to punish me for my past acts or is He trying to make me a stronger person?' 

The normal reaction one has when something bad happens is to ask the question why. 'Why is this happening to me? Why me?' Sadly, I fall into this category too. I would be so pessimistic about everything to the extent where I couldn't even stand myself when I look at myself in the mirror. I really hate this part of me, to be honest. It's unhealthy and may lead to a mental disorder. Negative emotion like this is like acid - it corrodes you almost immediately.

Nobody wants anything bad to happen to them but some things are really not within your control. I would try to hypnotize myself into believing that everything happens for a reason or things will get better soon. But what if things are still the same? What decision do you make then? What are the factors that you consider before making an important decision anyway? I know that letting go is good. Saying hello to goodbye can sometimes be beneficial to you. 'Your happiness and well-being should be your top priority.' Is that always true? If it's true, then why am I still struggling with the outcome from the decision that I've made? Happiness is a choice. If that's the case then Miss Por, you're really bad at making choices. Serves you right. 

The dilemma that people tend to have is that you would yearn to be understood but at the same time you don't want anyone to find out how weak you are. My thoughts and my action always contradict each other. Sometimes this makes me feel helpless. It's like you're drowning and you don't know how to swim but you're too afraid to call out for help. You find it difficult to ask for help. You worry how people would think of you. Would they mock you on the inside? Or would they be willing to help you? The possibilities are endless. The thing about people with negative thoughts and emotions bottled up in them is that they overthink about everything. They're oversensitive. It's rather hard for normal people to understand people like us because we're complicated and they're not. They wouldn't understand the difficulty of controlling your thoughts and actions. They wouldn't understand why we make a big deal out of a petty issue. Because they're not us. They don't experience what we're experiencing. The worst thing that could happen is that if they don't empathize us. Empathy is a kind of painkiller. When you're in pain but you're not given painkillers, what can you do other than trying to find ways to ease the pain? I think emotional pain is much more worse than physical pain. That explains why heartbreaks take longer time to heal. Because there's no definite ways of mending a broken heart.

If only we're born into this world with an instruction manual in our hands. It wouldn't be an exciting life but it would save us from useless heartaches. Just imagine that you have something to refer to when you're unsure of something, wouldn't it be better? I think it would make a difference. I'm at the stage where I just want everything to be as smooth as possible. I can't handle anymore unnecessary dramas in my life. 

I just want to be happy. Please.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

It's 10pm now

I have no comments on my job so far. I can't tell if I like the job or if I hate it. One thing I hate about KL is the traffic. You cannot depend on Waze if you're still using iOS 4 (don't judge) Lesson learned. Waze would go crazy sometimes and then you'd miss one turning and the next thing you know is that you're lost. The traffic from Cheras to Puchong after 7.30am is insane. INSANE. Wtf. How can it be so congested when it's only one STRAIGHT road/highway? No traffic lights, no road blocks. Please explain to me how it can be so congested. It has already been 4 weeks but I'm still very frustrated every morning. Helpppp.

People keep on telling me that working life isn't as easy as you think it would be. I guess what they meant was to beware of the people at work. It's scary how some people can be so fake and pretentious. I guess it's normal to have managers who are nice to auditors because they're concerned about our final report. But how can you be so fake? How do you even do that? Salute you. Maybe I'm not in the position to voice out my opinion of you but then please stop putting up a show in front of us. Thank goodness my colleagues are all guys. Less work politics.

Just received my results last Sunday and I was really happy! I was so anxious that I barely slept. JH helped me to look at my e-mail first and his response was, "It's okay la. Take again this sem." My heart sank after hearing what he said and then he was like, "You passed la. Hahaha." So yeah, that was how I started off my Sunday. 

I'm in the midst of furniture hunting. Haha. Just took the keys to my new room last week. The room is okay. Not really spacious but it's fine. Can't really complain about it.

Working really helps me to appreciate Saturdays and Sundays better. They're called rest days for a reason. Haha. All you want to do after work is to laze around and sleep. You really won't have the energy to scroll through Facebook or Instagram which is good because I'm starting to dislike my favourite past time activity i.e. scrolling through FB's and Instagram's newsfeed. I won't say that it's a complete waste of time but I'm trying to cut down on the amount of time spent on those two activities. Sometimes I really hate the technology that we have now. I think I've probably said this for about one hundred thousand times already so let's not start talking about that topic or else I wouldn't be able to stop. Hahah. 

Let's end this post with pictures of food.

Toppings bar at Magnum Cafe.

The overrated Magnum ice-cream. I customized my own Magnum. 

I went to the one in Mid Valley the other day with I-Lyn. So apparently you could choose to customize your own Magnum or select the ones on the menu. I chose to customize.

Step 1: Choose your ice-cream. Vanilla or chocolate brownie. I chose chocolate brownie.
Step 2: Coat it with milk chocolate, white chocolate or dark chocolate. I chose dark chocolate.
Step 3: Top it. You get to choose 3 toppings. I chose pistachio, oreo and white choco crunch pearls.
Step 4: Drizzle it. I chose white chocolate drizzle. 

Price: RM 9.90nett

Xiao Long Bao

Sze Chuan Sour and Spicy Ramen

Had dinner at Ding Tai Fung before Magnum to fix my craving for xiao long bao. It was a wonder-full night. 

Goodnight. Xx.